Looking For A Professional Kinesiologist In The Mornington Peninsula Area? Then Look No Further Than Us Here At Studio Essence. Ive completed six years of full time training. A diploma which takes two years full time, then an International Diploma, followed by a Kinesiopractic Certificate. I also am a qualified Clinical Nutritionist as well as I've been a Remedial Massage therapist for 24 years now. I'd hope to know a thing or two about your body by now!
When we have prolonged periods of stress, we get glitches in our system which stop our bodies from being able to function properly and heal on its own. My job as a kinesiologist is to find the glitch and show you how you can heal the body again.
Recognised as an effective and powerful way to improve all kinds of things like self esteem, anxiety and depression, pelvic alignment or pelvic floor issues, pregnancy support or infertility, learning difficulties, improving body functions like digestion or our immune systems, overcome emotional, physical & mental stress, I'd be happy to assist you to feel like YOU again. Happy, healthy and free!
PRICE OF KINESIOLOGY is for an hour $175
Please call 9783 2021 whenever suits you and whenever you're ready.